Sunday School: At New Life our Middle Schoolers worship with their families, but on occasion (about once a month) they are invited to join an age appropriate and relevant discussion about matters of faith during the worship service sermon.
Friday Nights: First Fridays from 7:11pm - 9pm, middle schoolers and high schoolers are invited to open gym, game nights, food and a lesson.
Summer ARTS Camp: In 2019, New Life started a week long Summer Camp experience focused on Art, Theater and Music. For information about the 2020 camp look here.
Mentorship Program: In 2020, we are beginning a trusted adult mentorship program. A few times during the year, each kid will be invited out to eat, a movie, bowling, something fun with a few other kids and a trusted and screened adult. We believe it's important for every child to develop a few positive relationships with adults within the church other than their parents.