Who we are
Have you ever felt like religious people seem overly confident about things that are often pretty mysterious? Many of us have too. We've longed for a faith that is humble, gentle, graceful while at the same time faithful to God as enfleshed in Jesus Christ, rooted in Scripture and safe from religious and other forms of abuse.
NLCC is a place to belong, believe and become. We are committed to accepting you as you are, inviting everyone to faith in God revealed in Jesus Christ and becoming (together) the community and people God calls us to be.
We are a church of many nations, languages, backgrounds, economic and education levels. What draws us together is a love for and interest in following Jesus. If you are interested in the same (or curious about Jesus) please join us for the journey.
Some of our most important values
Grace: Jesus taught that God loves us before we love him. God’s grace (undeserved favor) toward us motivates us to extend grace to others.
Journey: Jesus invited his disciples to follow him. We are all on a journey of learning about God, about ourselves and about our communities. We might all be at different places in the journey, but we are trying to follow the same leader.
Belonging: Jesus called people to follow him in groups. His ministry established a very close group of friends we know as the 12 disciples. We do our best to encourage friendships within our larger community.
Service: Jesus regularly taught his disciples the importance of serving others. He humbly modeled this behavior. It is one of the most visible signs of spiritual growth and maturity. It is also a great path to growth and maturity.
Outreach: Jesus never hesitated to invite others to new life in God’s kingdom. In ways that are gracious, whimsical and non-aggressive, New Life Community Church seeks to call ourselves and our neighbors into deeper and deeper relationship with God.
Where we're headed
What's the bottom line? More than ever, New Life is committed to fostering a community built around hope. Hope for the future. Hope for better. Hope for progress. Hope in Jesus. And as we move forward as a church community, inclusion and belonging remain at the center of who we are as followers of Christ.
What this means for you
What does this mean for you? Most importantly, you're always welcome at New Life. We're saving a seat for you. Wherever you find yourself on life's journey, you'll always be accepted as part of the New Life community.
Where we came from
New Life Community Church was Burlingame’s first church. Founded as First Baptist Church of Burlingame in 1906 after a devastating earthquake hit the city of San Francisco and forced many people to move south.
In the early 2000s, First Baptist changed its name to New Life Community Church in an attempt to better communicate who we are. While NLCC remains a Baptist church affiliated with the American Baptist Churches and is committed to traditional baptist teachings on freedom of belief and expression in terms of Biblical Interpretation, Personal Choice, Church Autonomy and Religious Freedom. We don't believe that is the popular perception about Baptists. So we changed the name to try to avoid misunderstandings.