At New Life our elementary kids experience safe, age-appropriate environments where they learn about Jesus in a creative and relevant way.
"We all want our children to come to know and love Jesus for themselves. But sometimes we aren't sure how to do that. And we know we can't do it on our own."
Here's how New Life helps.
On Sundays: Our nursery is available throughout both of the worship services. There are classes for pre-k, early elementary and older elementary every Sunday (except the last Sunday of every month when kids 2nd Grade and up are invited to stay in the 10:30 Service). Kids are invited to their classes about 20 minutes into the worship services. They have fun, learn about God and get to know a few caring adults in the church.
Monthly Fellowships: Children's Ministry Fellowship is a chance for parents of Elementary and Pre-school age kids to hang out. The church provides childcare and parents get to share a meal and talk about stuff that matters.